Thursday 24 April 2014


I was time lot thinking about it which could speak today. Finally I decided to talk about dance, because it is an activity that strange lot and it has always done me well.

Since childhood I always participated in art workshops at school, until I did a presentation of ballet in a theater. I practiced "folklore" and of this dance workshop the dance that I liked best were the northerners. Also, I practiced rhythmic gymnastics.

But when I entered high school I changed of school. And in the new school because of time and adjusting to a new school system, decided not to participate in any art workshop. Then I regretted.

Making presentations in schools or other places and all the preparation that involves making, it is very entertaining. I miss the nerves of a presentation, the dress be preparing in advance, or when five minutes before going on stage broke the panty.

In conclusion, I was in many body expression workshops and there I realized that I really like. So I decided to practice circus, especially the acrobatics on fabric. I know just the basics and did not dedicate much time to this activity. But I'm determined to make time to practice because it is a very good activity for my physical and emotional health.


1 comment:

  1. I think it is great you want to pursue the circus activities. you need to make time for it. :)
