Wednesday 30 April 2014

Hello! Today I talk to about of the productive activities. I really would like make activities that help me in the healthy and in my development mental. I have been more lazy every day. I don`t know how to organize and leave little time for activities related to my  well-being. For this reason the first activities is to start again practice any sports; I prefer come back to activities associated with the circus because I believe that “heal mental in heal body” is real. Besides this be used to release the stress caused for the university.   
 And the second activity is make up a “social group”. I don’t know how to name it, but in the bottom is a group of young that work of way active in a place (school, neighbor, municipality, etc.) help to people. The help must be the help that the people need. Ideally... psychology practice of any way in there. The true is that in both case, the mean of the activities for me live in the same. I would like to achieve this because my perspective increase, I know new persons with different ideas and appetite of the achieve changes. Finally my inspiration is those, look the appetite of improve together the things that function bad. 

1 comment:

  1. It so nice that you want to help with your profession.
    And it`s so good that to add some physical activity for the stress =)
