Friday 11 April 2014

Hello! The three photos I share with you on this occasion is of "Los saltos del Huilo-Huilo", a natural reserve located in the Río Fuy of the region De Los Lagos.

Four years ago, in 2012 I had my study tour, with all my classmates went over southern Chile and Bariloche. The trip last one week but only 3 days in Chile and there l met this beautiful place. In "El salto del Huilo-Huilo" we practice trekking and we took many pictures. 

I fell in love with this place because the place had all the magic of nature. We arrived very early in the morning, so the colors were intense, the sun shone, the birds sang and breathed fresh air. 

That one trip was special because it was the first that i stay far away of my house without my family and it was my first trip to southern Chile.

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